Thursday, November 13, 2008


I would like to kill the dumb duck who came up with the "Why?" word. This word is used at least hundred times a day by the girls. "Why can't I go outside and jump on the tramp in the rain and 20 degree weather?" "Why can't I have candy just before dinner?" "Why can't I have ice cream for breakfast?" "Why do I need to wear shoes when it's raining?" "Why are we having that for dinner?" "Why do I need to take a bath/shower?" "Why can't we drink red juice in the family room with the new carpet?" "Why can't we jump on the new furniture?" Why why why. Example, today Emily came up stairs (Her room is now in the finished basement-Yeah) dressed in shorts, T-shirt and flip flops. "Emily," I said, "You can't wear that today." The dreaded "Why Mom?" Gee, let me think. It's 30 degrees outside, summer ended 3 months ago and because I said so. Any other questions? Maybe I'm too strict with the girls. Then again, I am a Mom.

1 comment:

CrazyCow said...

At least you kids ask the question? Mine just look at me disdainfully and turn around and do whatever they want anyway. Except for Josh. He asks even when I have just barely given him a detailed explanation of "WHY" he can't go the movies with a girl. He just hopes that I will eventually fold.