Saturday, January 31, 2009

Yes, I opened the door

A few nights ago at the dinner table, one of the girls, either Emily or Kayla, asked if a girl can be a bishop. Mark said that they couldn't. Then I said, "What do boys have that girls don't?" I opened a door so big that you could drive a Mac truck through it. What was I thinking? I was thinking that our girls were too innocent to think anything else but the word I was looking for which was the word priesthood. It was silent for a moment then Hannah said, "A weenie." At least she has a firm grasp on reality.


Jennifer Bradford said...

That's awesome! John and I are cracking up! We love you guys!

Adam and Bri VanSleeuwen said...

Lol...seriously that is so funny! Your girls are getting so big. What a cute picture you have of the three of them. We miss you guys!

Kamey Jean Hope said...

That is to funny and cute. Kids are very innocent. Katelynn is telling me the differences between boys and girls now. I just have to watch when she is telling me. How are you guys? I miss you guys!

Jaz said...

that's priceless. ..and a great embarrassing story to tell when they're older.