Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hannah watches too much TV

A few days ago while I was doing my Mom thing (crossing guard) Hannah put out her arms as to hug me and said to me, "Come here you chunk of love." Uh, come again? Where in the world.... I asked her where she had heard such a thing and she said, "Oh, I just made it up in my head." Yeah, right. Sounds like a Hannah Montana phrase. Then yesterday she said to Kayla, "You're young and naive." Oh man. Do I have my hands full or what? She is banned from watching TV FOREVER.


Jennifer Bradford said...

I am soooooo hoping that by the time Zoey is old enough to care about TV, Hannah Montana has been stricken from the Earth. What do you think my chances are?

Adam and Bri VanSleeuwen said...

I love it! She says the funniest thinks...she is so stinkin' cute, man we miss you guys like crazy.

Jaz said...

I feel ya...when my 5 yr old asks me "Oh, who am I kidding?" or some other such phrase, I always wonder what show she got it from.

S and L said...

I can't believe how fast your girls are growing up Michelle! How is your family doing? We seriously need to have a BBQ or something this summer with the old neighborhood!!! I miss everyone!

Valerie Chandler said...

Look! I found you Michelle!

Wonderful. Now we can keep in touch so much better!

Love to you-- Valerie