Sunday, May 17, 2009

What's happening.....not much

A quick update on the goings on in our little corner of the world.
Emily had her last soccer game yesterday. She is a soccer fiend. She loves to play and is good at it. She is playing softball again this summer. It starts on Tuesday and she will play on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She loves to play ball as well. She is a natural athlete. Kayla is going to play soccer for the first time in August. She is very excited and it will interesting to see how she likes it. She has never played a sport so it should be interesting. Hannah is going to play soccer, as well, in August. She, too is excited. I'm sure that this will be a treat. She is a maniac. I'm not sure how we will get the girls to all the places they will need to be.....I know, I know, what was I thinking???
Not much in the way of my activities or Mark. Mark continues with bishopric duties and I continue with Relief Society duties which keeps us both busy and out of trouble. We love our callings and we love our ward. We have so many good friends and enjoy spending time with them. The girls have good friends and love going to primary.
We are thrilled that the weather has been warm and sunny. We like to be outside. We started our garden and have planted a couple of veggies. The girls are excited about this. Almost everyday they ask if we are planting more things. They will be really excited when the veggies start sprouting. I am not a big gardener and Mark is which I am glad about. I'm lazy about it. When I was growing up, we always had a huge garden and I hated weeding it.
We don't have any exciting summer plans. I guess we will just hang out and enjoy the warm weather. School will be over in a couple of weeks. Yeah. No more fighting to get the girls up and out the door for crossing and school. Double yeah.
I know....not much is happening but I hope you enjoyed reading this if you made it this far.


Adam and Bri VanSleeuwen said...

What a busy family you are. So fun that the girls are playing soccer, I love watching kids play. We miss you guys.

Stacy Holmes said...

I remember Emily being a fab soccer player..I am glad she is keeping it up!
Good job at converting Kayla to sports!
I added you to my blog-fyi
Glad your family is doing so well :)