Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

I am thrilled that Christmas has come. I love getting ready for the holiday. The season is filled with joy and good tidings and I wish it would and could last all year.

About 2 months ago, I had the girls write a list of things that they would like for Christmas. I told them that they needed to write down three things that they really wanted. Emily asked, "Why only three?" I replied, "Would you rather receive three things that you really want or would you rather receive ten things that you could care less about?" She thought about it for a moment and then replied, "I think that I would like to have three things that I really want." Good girl. They received all the things they really wanted.

Emily received a Liv doll, a hair beader and a Taylor Swift cd that she can play on her new stereo that she received for her birthday. Kayla also received a Liv doll, a sleeping bag and a skateboard. Hannah also received a Liv doll, a sleeping bag and table and chairs. The table is also a whiteboard. All the girls loved their gifts. After the gifts were opened, (it took all of about 5 minutes), Mark received a text message from Santa saying that there was another gift that was too big to put under the tree. Santa had put this large gift in one of our storage rooms. The girls went on the hunt. They found it. It was Guitar Hero for the Wii. They were stoked. We got it hooked up and rocked out. Emily is quite the guitar player. It was impressive. We had a fun time.

We had a great Christmas and I am sad to have the day come to a close. We have enjoyed receiving Christmas cards and yummy neighbor treats. I have enjoyed baking and giving the goodies to friends.

We have been very blessed this holiday season. Thanks to all of those dear family and friends who have brighten our lives with friendship and love.

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all.

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