Sunday, June 7, 2009

5 A.M.

I have been getting up at 5 in the morning to walk with a couple of friends. It has been very good for my physical and mental state. However, 5 in the morning comes fast and I am exhausted. Before school was out, it was difficult to stay awake after I returned home about 30 to 40 minutes later. Now that school is out, I will be able to come home and go back to sleep at least for a little while. Mark and I have decided to have a contest about who can get in shape the fastest. If he loses, he has to take me out to dinner and to the new Twilight movie New Moon and he has to pretend that he likes it. He has not told me what he wants if I lose. I'm sure that it will be something about fly fishing or something like that. I went fly fishing with him once and I didn't like it. It was boring. So I have to win. Stay tuned for the results.

1 comment:

Jennifer Bradford said...

I had a contest like that one time with he who shall not be named. I kicked so much butt that it wasn't even funny. You go girl!!! If you want a good workout, come hang out with Zoey for a few hours, she's keep you busy. That must be the reason that I have only gain ten pounds so far in this pregancy and I actually weigh less now than I did before I got pregnant with Zoey. Hmm, I think that's a great idea, Michelle, just have another baby!!!!!